Wednesday, February 4, 2015

APUSH: World War I

World War I

World War I and its aftermath intensified debates about the nation's role in the world and how best to protect American national security and interests.  

  1. MAIN Causes of WWI (militarism, alliances - central/allies, imperialism, nationalism), sparked by the assassination of Archduke of Austria-Hungary Franz Ferdinand by Serb nationalists in Sarajevo.
  2. US involvement
    • Neutrality - reasons
    • American interests in Europe
    • Later defense of humanitarian and democratic principles

    • Threats to national security began to erode initial neutrality

Shaded area shows waters that Germans considered "War Zone" and where unarmed merchant ships were subject to torpedo attack.

Sussex was torpedoed by German U-Boats in 1916

    •   Wilson's message to Congress addressed a variety of concerns

Historians have long debated whether the US entered WWI truly to make the world safe for democracy, as President Wilson insisted, or rather to protect American economic interest in Europe that were threatened by war.  Click the link below to read the text of Wilson's speech to Congress in 1917 in which he asked for a declaration of war:  Wilson's War Message to Congress, April 2, 1917

Watch the video below for an overview of the causes of WWI from the History Channel.  

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