Friday, March 28, 2014

The Erosion of Neutrality, 1935-1940

The United States adopted a policy of neutrality during the 1930s.  However, over time that policy was modified and eventually abandoned.  See the links below for documents relating to US neutrality policy in the 1930s and 40s.

Your task is to examine the following documents using the documents analysis worksheet provided.  Then, analyze how this documented policy affected American neutrality (fill in the chart from Classjump) .  Finally, determine the cause of the change in policy.  You will likely need to research events in Europe that were occurring around the same time.

Document Analysis Worksheet

Neutrality Act of 1935

Neutrality Act of 1937

Neutrality Act of 1939

Destroyers-for-Bases Deal

Lend-Lease Act

Atlantic Charter

Friday, March 7, 2014

The Scopes "Monkey" Trial

How did different groups react to the Scopes Trial?

What conclusions can one draw about public opinion on this issue?

Click the following links to view the documents:

Documents Link
Reporter H.L. Mencken on the Scopes Trial

Reactions varied in different parts of the country:
Northern Newspapers
Southern Newspapers
National Magazines